sábado, noviembre 12, 2011

Open University, UK

Sin duda, uno de los lugares más interesantes en donde se conjuntan ideas para hacer investigación en distintos temas de diseño es la Open University en Reino Unido. En los pultimos 10 años he conocido a varios investigadores que ahora trabajan ahí, es un lugar que se está convirtiendo en referencia obligada -y desde luego una excelente opción para quien esté pensando en hacer un doctorado:


Sus áreas de trabajo son cuatro:

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viernes, noviembre 04, 2011

lunes, octubre 31, 2011

Centros y Fábricas de Diseño

Alrededor del mundo se están formando o consolidando en algunos casos varios Centros de Diseño. Para alumnos interesados en posgrados conectados con la industria, es esencial revisar que su programa de estudios esté asociado a este tipo de centros que vinculan la academia con la industria:

Aalto Design Factory:

Swinburne Design Factory:

Design Research Center, UNT:


Singapore-MIT International Design Centre:

Cambridge EDC:

Community Design Center:

Center for Universal Design:


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domingo, octubre 30, 2011

Nuevas maestrías en Swinburne, Australia para el 2012

Sin poder dar muchos detalles, esta semana fui invitado a Swinburne Design en Australia y con gusto comparto aquí las buenas noticias: para el 2012 esta universidad tiene en puerta un conjunto de nuevas maestrías en distintas áreas del diseño.

Recomiendo ampliamente considerar estas opciones a quienes estén interesados ya que Swinburne es una universidad que ha adquirido un gran prestigio en poco tiempo y ahora le está apostando al diseño como una de sus 4 áreas estratégicas para el futuro.


Hay gente muy bien preparada y con mucha hambre intelectual y diseñística en Swinburne. Tanto en diseño industrial como en digital, interiores y gráfico. Verdaderamente su decano Ken Friedman ha logrado disparar a Swinburne y es fácil ver que en un futuro cercano cada vez se hablará más de esta escuela dentro y fuera de Australia.

Chequen en la embajada de Australia las becas que aquel gobierno da a mexicanos, colombianos y otros países de la región. Con este tipo de escuelas en Australia, sinceramente quien quiera seguir yendo a estudiar a Italia es porque se quedó en el paradigma del siglo XX.

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viernes, octubre 07, 2011

Congreso Iberoamericano de Innovación Tecnológica (Basado en TRIZ)

Altamente recomendable este sexto Congreso Iberoamericano de Innovación Tecnológica (Basado en TRIZ) https://sites.google.com/a/ametriz.com/congreso6/

Fecha: del Jueves 20 al sábado 22 de Octubre, 2011.
Lugar: Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Querétaro.
Fecha: del Jueves 20 al sábado 22 de Octubre, 2011.
Lugar: Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Querétaro.
Organizado por la AMETRIZ: http://www.ametriz.com/

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martes, octubre 04, 2011

Maestría en Diseño Industrial Innovación, Creación de Valor y Sostenibilidad

Ya está recibiendo solicitudes de ingreso la nueva Maestría en Diseño Industrial Innovación, Creación de Valor y Sostenibilidad de la Escuela Isthmus de Panamá. Tuve oportunidad de participar en la edición anterior de la maestría y puedo recomendar la escuela y sobre todo señalar que cada asignatura a lo largo de la maestría es impartida por un profesor distinto proveniente de un país Latinoamericano, de manera que es una oportunidad invaluable para aprender de muchos mundos y además convivir con estudiantes también de todo el continente.

El nuevo modelo de la maestría es interesante: se cursan 3 diplomados en 3 sedes distintas (Panamá, Colima y Chihuahua) más un proyecto de grado en un cuarto semestre y con ello se obtiene el grado de maestría. A su vez, cada diplomado se compone de un seminario, dos asignaturas, y un taller dedicando 144 horas presenciales por diplomado.Me consta que el trabajo presencial es serio y muy demandante, bien vale lo que cuesta.

El objetivo de la maestría tal como los organizadores lo ofrecen es: "Promover en los estudiantes la apropiación de conceptos y experiencias que le permitan gestionar, liderar y materializar procesos de innovación y cambio al interior de las organizaciones, mediante el diseño de productos y servicios sostenibles, creando valor para si mismo, la empresa y la sociedad, en un entorno multidisciplinario y multicultural."

La Programación para el próximo año es así:

- Diplomado GESTIÓN ESTRATÉGICA DE DISEÑO, de enero 9 a enero 27 de 2012 en Panamá
- Diplomado DISEÑO E INNOVACIÓN, junio de 2012 en Chihuahua, México
- Diplomado SOSTENIBILIDAD Y DISEÑO PARA EL DESARROLLO, enero de 2013 en Colima, México

A los interesados, les conviene darse prisa, pueden pedir informes en:

ISTHMUS- Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño de América Latina y el Caribe
Edificio. 106, Ciudad del Saber.
Tel: (507) 3170080
Fax: (507) 3170079

Universidad de Colima
Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño
Campus Coquimatlán
Tel/Fax: (52-312)3161161

Calle Aldama 810 · Centro Histórico
Chihuahua, Chih. México
Tel: (52-614) 410 2088

Cra. 16A No. 86A-79
Tel: (571) 6108200
Fax: (571) 6104073

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Conferencia Internacional "Creatividad Computacional"

Ya está lista la invitación a enviar artículos a la ICCC 2012 International Conference on Computational Creativity:


Será del 30 de mayo al 1 de junio, 2012 en Dublin, Irlanda.

En mi experiencia, esta conferencia atrae a gente muy diversa con propuestas muy interesantes de modelos y sistemas computacionales relacionados con la creatividad, ya sea para simularla, para emularla o para facilitarla. Hay ponencias sobre música, arte, literatura, diseño, etc.

Es importante aclarar que si bien una parte importante de los ponentes son de computación, también coinciden psicólogos, artistas, músicos, diseñadores, etc.

Muy recomendable! La fecha límite para enviar ponencias es enero 2012.

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lunes, octubre 03, 2011

Diplomado, Maestría y Doctorado en Antropología y Diseño

Ya antes había escrito aquí sobre Dori Turnstall y el programa de posgrado que dirige en Swinburne Design. En lo personal me parece una excelente alternativa de desarrollo para genete interesada en estos ricos temas del diseño y el ser humano.

Paso aquí la convocatoria para el 2012 tal cual, que incluye un Diplomado en Línea, la Maestría y el Doctorado:

Swinburne University Faculty of Design is now accepting applications into its 2012 postgraduate programs in Design Anthropology. Design Anthropology at Swinburne consists of a hybrid synthesis of academic post-colonial anthropology with the professional practice of design. It seeks to understand how design helps define what it means to be human, the diversity of human value systems, and then how design translates those values into tangible experiences. Swinburne offers three degrees:

01 A fully-online Graduate Diploma of Design (Design Anthropology)  

Available online through Open Universities Australia (
), the one-year full time DAnthro GradDip program is available anywhere
in the world to students who want to round out their applied
anthropology or design electives with a unit or two and professionals
who want to formalize or transition their skills in research and design.
Applications for the program consist of transcripts, citizenship
documentation, proof of English Language Requirements (
), letter of intent (e.g. a letter of 1200-1500 words describing who you
are, why you want to study design anthropology, what specialization
would you choose of the three offered Cross Cultural Brand Identity
Design, Sustainable Design, and Indigenous Knowledge, and what you plan
to do with your degree), and a design or design strategy portfolio (e.g.
a series of 4-5 project case studies demonstrating how you did or would
approach a problem from a holistic perspective). Closing date for formal
applications is Feb. 11, 2012 although we will begin reviewing
applications after Oct. 15, 2011.  

02 Masters of Design (Design Anthropology)  

For those who want to live in Melbourne the World's Most Livable City (
), the one and half year full time DAnthro MDes  (
)program appeals to disciplinary "misfits" who seek either a deeper
level of human and community engagement in their design practices or
want to their research to move beyond dusty reports to direct and
respectful community impact. Applications for the program consist of
transcripts, citizenship documentation, proof of English Language
Requirements (
), letter of intent, and a design or design strategy portfolio. There
are maximum enrollment restrictions on the MDes program to 24 students.
Note that review and acceptance into the program is based on a
first-come, first -served basis as we are required to provide notice of
acceptance within one week of receiving the complete application. So
while the closing date for formal applications is Feb. 2011, we will
begin reviewing applications on Oct. 15, 2011. For information on
international scholarships, please see the Swinburne Scholarship (
) or the Study in Australia Scholarship (
http://www.studyinaustralia.gov.au/Scholarships ) pages.  

03 PhD. in Design Anthropology  

Emerging out of the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center Conference
on Design Anthropology, Indigenous Knowledge, and Culture-Based
Innovation in March 2011, Swinburne Faculty of Design's Cultures-Based
Innovation research cluster accepts two students per year for doctoral
research. The Cultures-Based Innovation cluster conducts research in
order to design innovation processes that position communities of high
cultural wellness, but often low social and health status, as the direct
sources and beneficiaries of innovation. These include Indigenous
communities, minority communities, migrant communities and communities
living in contexts of social and environmental disruption. The cluster
represents the ontological dialogue between Indigenous Knowledge and
Design Anthropology that aims to develop methodologies that create
opportunities for: 
•  the self determination and wealth for communities of high cultural wellness and; 
•  the reduction of the cultural "poverty" of socially and economically wealthy communities.  

Completed applications received by September 15 and April 15 are reviewed for University and Faculty scholarship rounds. 

Thanks and hope that you will help advance design anthropology academically with us.  

Dori Tunstall   

Elizabeth (Dori) Tunstall, PhD
Associate Professor, Design Anthropology
Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching

Swinburne Design
Swinburne University of Technology
144 High Street, Prahran, VIC, 3181
Melbourne, Australia

Telephone +61 3 9214 6086
Facsimile  +61 3 9521 2665
Mobile +61 4 0447 1595
Email etunstall@groupwise.swin.edu.au

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viernes, septiembre 30, 2011

5a Conferencia Internacional en Diseño, Cómputo y Cognición

Muchos diseñadores estarán interesados en participar en la quinta edición de esta conferencia académica de alto prestigio:

Se trata de: "FIFTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DESIGN COMPUTING AND COGNITION (DCC'12 OR DCC12)" que tiene como subtítulo: "Reuniendo la Inteligencia Artificial, las Ciencias Cognitivas y las Teorías Computacionales para la investigación en el Diseño"

Esta conferencia inició en los ochentas bajo el nombre "Artificial Intelligence in Design" y desde hace casi 10 años cambió su nombre a "Design Computing and Cognition". Se realiza cada dos años y ha sido un foro para la presentación y discusión de temas muy actuales de diseño desde perspectivas cognitivas y computacionales. Los talleres son una parte importante de la conferencia.

La conferencia será del 7 al 9 de junio del 2012 en Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas USA. Se podrá enviar un resumen del artículo el 1 de diciembre de 2011 o bien el artículo ya terminado el 6 de enero del 2012. En marzo 2012 se darán a conocer los artículos aceptados y se recibirá la versión final para su publicación.

He tenido la suerte de participar en varias de las conferencias DCC en años anteriores, y la recomiendo ampliamente. Más información en:

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miércoles, septiembre 28, 2011

Algunas posiciones vacantes más

Algo sucede en este 2011 que hay muchas posiciones laborales disponibles en diseño:

  • En Carnegie Melon, Estados Unidos: design.cmu.edu/facultysearch/
  • En Delft, Holanda: http://home.tudelft.nl/index.php?id=11974&L=1&L=1&type=w&vak=&niv=&x=58&y=21
  • En SUTD, Singapur: http://sg.dimension.jobsdb.com/career/Default.asp?PID=1&AC=SUTD&EC=SUTD&GC=&LID=1&SP=1&SGB14114931821823
  • NUS, Singapur: http://www.fas.nus.edu.sg/cnm/jobs.html
  • University of Wolverhampton, Reino Unido: www.wlv.ac.uk/pers/jobs.htm
  • Lancaster, Reino Unido: http://hr-jobs.lancs.ac.uk/vacancies.aspx?cat=232
  • Aalto, Finlandia: http://www.aalto.fi/en/current/jobs/professors/tenure_track_or_tenured_faculty_position_in_graphic_design_research/

Parece ser buen año para perfiles con doctorado en áreas de diseño, esto hay que celebrarlo.

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martes, septiembre 20, 2011

¿Cómo #@%&$()!? se hace una tesis?

Este clásico documento de Umberto Eco está disponible en español en:

Supongo que "Cortesía de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid" (?)

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sábado, septiembre 10, 2011

Maestría en Población y Desarrollo Flacso, Mexico

La Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales es una institución de gran prestigio. Ofrecen esta Maestría en Población y Desarrollo, que podría muy bien ser de interés para profesionistas de diseño que se interesen por temas de Diseño para el Desarrollo. El perfil es altamente multidisciplinario como lo indican:

"Este programa proporciona conocimientos y habilidades para la aplicación de los métodos de la demografía, pero busca ir más allá de lo estrictamente demográfico para propiciar un análisis profundo, en el que confluyan diversas disciplinas, para encontrar los cauces de las problemáticas que enfrentan las sociedades actuales en México, en América Latina, en el Caribe y en el mundo."

Este año la convocatoria indica que los registros cierran el 18 de noviembre 2011, el examen es en diciembre, los resultados se dan en marzo 2012 y las clases inician en septiembre 2012. Es tiempo de decidir y enviar documentos. Toda la información:


Las líneas de investigación:
  1. Dinámica demográfica, mercados laborales y desigualdad. 
  2. Población y salud.
  3. Movilidad espacial de la población y migración.
  4. Población y medio ambiente.
  5. Distribución territorial de la población y ciudad.
  6. Población, familia y pobreza.

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miércoles, agosto 17, 2011

Universidad del Istmo, Tehuantepec


Convoca a los interesados en concursar para ocupar una plaza como Profesor-Investigador de Tiempo Completo, para desempeñar las funciones de Docencia, Investigación, Extensión y Gestión. Para poder concursar, el aspirante deberá poseer el siguiente perfil: Contar con grado de Doctor (preferente) o Maestría en Diseño Gráfico.

La fecha límite para la recepción de CV es el 9 de septiembre de 2011.

La fecha de fallo es el 12 de septiembre de 2011.

La fecha de contratación es el 19 de septiembre de 2011.

Para mayor información, comunicarse con el M. en C. Víctor Manuel Martínez Rodríguez, Vice-Rector Académico (vmanuel@sandunga.unistmo.edu.mx), o bien con el M. en C. Rafael Márquez Tirso, Jefe de Carrera de Ingeniería en Diseño (rafamarquez2003@hotmail.com). Ciudad Universitaria S/N, Barrio Santa Cruz Tagolaba, 4ª. Sección, Santo Domingo Tehuantepec,Oax. Tel 01 (971) 52 2 40 50.

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lunes, julio 25, 2011

Maestría en Diseño de Información y Tráfico

Gracias a Miguel Aguilar por el 'tip': este nuevo programa de maestría (en ciencias o MSc) en Austria, sobre el tema de "Traffic & Transport Information Design", que a decir de su sitio web cubre tanto "Traffic Information" como "Public Transport Information".

Es de 5 semestres incluyendo 1 de tesis y cuesta € 17.000,- aunque por el tema es bastante lógico pensar que se pueda conseguir una beca. No sé, pienso que en México por ejemplo en el IMT (Instituto Mexicano del Transporte http://www.imt.mx/) podrían estar interesados en apoyar una maestría de este tipo?

El plan de estudios: http://www.fhstp.ac.at/weiterbildung/traffic-transport-information-design/ttid/Curriculum_TTID.pdf

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martes, julio 05, 2011

Oferta laboral (docente) en México

No es malo conocer que en estos tiempos de crisis hay demanda por perfiles de gran nivel, aquí van tres casos recientes:
  1. Vacante de tiempo completo en el ITESM CampusAguascalientes. Se requiere es alguien con disponibilidad inmediata para venirse atrabajar a Aguascalientes y con licenciatura y maestría en diseño.Suplico que hagan extensivo este email a otras personas que pudieran estarinteresadas en la vacante, en el caso de no estarlo ustedes mismos.Saludos.Dr. Juan-Manuel CAMPOS-SANDOVAL: juan-manuel.campos@itesm.mx
  2. Tres vacantes de tiempo completo en el ITESM Campus Querétaro de aquí a enero 2012. De preferencia con doctorado en áreas de diseño, arte o ingeniería. Contacto: Dr. Ricardo Sosa: rdsosam@itesm.mx
  3. Una vacante para profesor de tiempo completo con maestría en diseño industrial en el ITESM Campus San Luis Potosí. Contacto: juan-manuel.campos@itesm.mx

Se trata de tres escuelas de diseño industrial, cada una con su filosofía y sus condiciones particulares, vale la pena para la/os interesada/os evaluar las tres opciones.

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viernes, junio 17, 2011

Estancias post-doctorales en Aalto University, Finlandia

Que mejor oportunidad para quienes recientemente terminaron su doctorado en las áreas de diseño sustentable, cultura, educación, diseño gráfico y cine y quieran hacer investigación en la que era la UIAH y ahora es la Aalto Univ.

Postdoctoral Researchers (6 positions, School of Art and Design)
Aalto University is a new university with over a century of experience. Created from a high-profile merger between three leading universities in Finland – the Helsinki School of Economics, the Helsinki University of Technology and the University of Art and Design Helsinki – Aalto University opens up new possibilities for strong multi-disciplinary education and research. The university's ambitious goal is to rank among the top universities in the world in its areas of specialization. At Aalto there are 20,000 students with around 75,000 alumni. We have a staff of 4,500 including 300 professors.

The Aalto University School of Art and Design has been a leader in art and design education for 140 years. It is an international postgraduate university institution with students from over 50 countries. It offers doctorate, master and bachelor degrees in a wide range of disciplines ‐ fine art, design, new media, art education, visual culture, motion picture and production design. School of Art and Design is a pioneer in research and in developing interdisciplinary study programmes.

Aalto University School of Art and Design is looking for
for a 2-year-period starting on September 1st 2011 or as agreed.

The fields of research are:
  1. Sustainable design
  2. Design and culture
  3. Art education
  4. Visual culture
  5. Graphic design
  6. Film studies
Más informes en: http://www.aalto.fi/en/current/jobs/teaching_and_research/postdoctoral_researchers-6_positions-school_of_art_and_design/

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martes, junio 14, 2011

viernes, mayo 27, 2011

Maestría en Diseño e Innovación en DTU, Dinamarca

Hoy estuve en la presentación de esta maestría por los colegas de DTU, Ulrik Jorgensen y Andrés Valderrama. Quedé muy impresionado debido a que la filosofía y el diseño curricular de esta maestría viene de estudios profundos e interesantes sobre la educación superior y de posgrado en ingeniería y diseño.


Creo que es una buena propuesta para que la/os que tengan interés en estudiar un posgrado. Parte del perfil de egreso dice: "The Product Design study-line combines insight into engineering design and synthesis with industrial design: aesthetical user-oriented design. Graduates of this study-line are knowledgeable and efficient product developers mastering the wide range of competences required to create competitive and sustainable products.MSc graduates are qualified in product life and quality, including design for manufacturing, assembly, distribution,service, use, quality, cost, sustainability and disposal. They can use modeling methods to document, communicate and prove product properties. They thrive in in the composite organizations and knowledge networks that create new innovative products, excel at working with new partners and new technology and easily adapt to new assignments."

En palabras (más o menos) de Ulrik esta es una maestría "que produce menos desempleados que los egresados de Danmarks Designskole..." (auch!)


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lunes, mayo 23, 2011

Maestrías SUTD-MIT

Qué buenas opciones estas maestrías entre el MIT (Cambridge, EEUU) y la nueva SUTD en Singapur:

De sus programas de primer grado no hablaremos mucho por la orientación de este blog, pero también parecen opciones tremendamente interesantes para la formación de diseñadores en cuatro áreas: arquitectura y sustentabilidad, ingeniería y desarrollo de productos, diseño e ingeniería de sistemas, e informática y diseño.

De las maestrías, se antoja un programa MUY completo: de 9 a 13 meses en el MIT en Ingeniería Industrial, Civil, Manfuactura o Sistemas, complementado por una segunda tesis de investigación en SUTD.

Se ofrecen ayudas que incluyen inscripciones en MIT y SUTD, seguros médicos en ambos países, gastos de manutención y pasajes aéreos. ¡Vaya oportunidad para quienes quieran aprovecharla!

Nos mantendremos alertas para ver cuándo ofrezcan programas doctorales comentarlos en este blog.

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sábado, mayo 14, 2011

Beca para doctorado en Birmingham, Reino Unido

Birmingham Institute of Art and Design (BIAD) is part of a cross discipline centre for research into design for zero carbon. BIAD has two foci:

- One focus is on retrofit of energy saving technologies in existing building stock, modeling of energy in buildings, and the application of complexity theory.

- The other focus is on consumer behaviour change for a carbon neutral future, especially through advertising creating the right kinds of desire.


PhD Studentship in Retro-fit

We are offering a PhD studentship in design for zero carbon. This is linked to specific interests in building design, specifically in retro-fit of energy saving technologies, and work with gaining knowledge of a carbon negative house in Birmingham. This studentship is placed in the Birmingham School of Architecture. We welcome enquiries from a wide range of candidates from design, engineering, and architecture. Informal enquiries are welcomed in advance of a formal application.

Although all new UK buildings will need to be zero carbon by 2019, the majority of carbon emissions and environmental impact comes from existing buildings. Birmingham School of Architecture at the Birmingham Institute of Art and Design are involved in a unique research project on zero carbon retrofit of buildings. We are developing methods and tools through experimental research, including monitoring and post occupancy evaluation of a zero carbon retrofit house. The work has a potential for a significant impact on UK carbon emissions and the UK economy.

We are seeking suitably qualified and enthusiastic PhD candidates to pursue research within our Low Carbon Retrofit programme, running within our Centre for Low Carbon Research. Successful applicant will have an opportunity to join this research programme at the forefront of the current state of the art and influence its future development.

Candidates should hold a good honours degree or equivalent in a relevant discipline and be committed to studying for a PhD. Experience of sustainable building design, building performance monitoring or building simulation would be an advantage.

A successful applicant for a Research Bursary will receive a tax-free living allowance of GBP13,590 per year (paid monthly) and a fee-waiver for full-time student PhD enrolment, for three years subject to satisfactory performance being maintained.

For further information about BIAD Research please see http://www.biad.bcu.ac.uk/research/site/pages/home.php

and for further details about this studentship please see


The closing date for applications is close of business on 10 June 2011. Interviews will be held on 27 June.
Informal enquiries to:

Dr Lubo Jankovic - lubo.jankovic@bcu.ac.uk


PhD studentships in design for sustainable desires

There may be up to two further PhD studentships which are just announced EITHER in retro-fit (as above) OR in creating desires (below).

Sustainable design is often seen only as a technological fix, but whatever the technologies involved, designers create desires both through the creation of products and services and through their branding and promotion. Our interests centre around ways in which present consumer behaviours may be turned toward more sustainable futures. This is an area of great cultural complexity, and may include designers from any relevant design subject specialism (such as visual communications, advertising, animation, industrial design, furniture, fashion, interiors, retail design, and landscape/architecture) but also from any other discipline that can contribute to understanding behaviour change in the context of design at all levels from design practice to international policy making.

Informal enquiries are welcomed.

The closing date for applications is close of business on 10 June 2011. Interviews will be held on 27 June.
Informal enquiries to:

Professor David Durling - david.durling@bcu.ac.uk



Birmingham Institute of Art and Design (BIAD) is a mature and well-founded academic environment. With a distinctive 125-year history in the field of Art, Design and Architecture, BIAD has a reputation for excellence, and its research is recognised as world-leading.

BIAD had considerable success in the RAE2008. A 30|30|20|20 score in UoA63 placed the faculty among the top twelve art and design institutions in the UK. Notably, the research environment was flagged as 4*

It is one of the largest doctoral communities in art and design in the UK, with a long and successful record of doctoral completions, and a number of supervisors engaged in leading design initiatives and policy making internationally.

Research in the Faculty covers a wide range of subject interests, including in recent years, interdisciplinary research with other faculties in the University. For example, the Well-being initiative, developed jointly with the Faculty of Health, has attracted much interest and is generating innovative research. In addition there is a research cluster based around Low Carbon Design, which also involves colleagues from the Faculty of Technology, Engineering and the Environment. There are several other research clusters that are either well established or emerging.

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viernes, mayo 13, 2011


Que buena alternativa!

ONELAB2011 Summer Lab for students, architects, scientists, artists, and individuals of all backgrounds to explore design with various living matter including live tissues, bacteria, tree grafting, fungi growth control and parametric scripting.

Parametric Design Workshop
The conceptual and technical sphere of parametric design will be introduced in this workshop by learning systemic processes capable of reacting to various ecologic factors. We will focus on parametric design logic, computational geometry, modeling techniques, and environmental influencers to create radical design answers. Dr. Carlos Barrios will focus the workshop on formal synthesis based on a combination of scientific rigor and artistic expressionism. Series of programs will offer the possibility to explore parametric and computational design with extraordinary flexibility.


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martes, mayo 10, 2011

Conferencia Doctorados en Diseño 2011 (Lancaster UK)

Para estudiantes de doctorado en Reino Unido, imperdible. Para otr@s interesad@s quizá en hacer un doctorado en temas de diseño, también.

Invited keynote speaker: Kevin Roberts, CEO Worldwide of Saatchi & Saatchi

The Design PhD Conference is a collaborative event between ImaginationLancaster at Lancaster University and the School of Design’s Centre for Design Research at Northumbria University. The conference offers an opportunity for PhD students, Masters students, recent graduates and businesses to meet, exchange knowledge and ideas, and learn about the latest developments in design thinking, methods and research projects.

In addition to the keynote, the conference has invited 7 national and international PhD students to present their work, and will host a Poster Session with contributions from the international PhD design research community.

For more information and to register (30th June – free; 1st July - £30), please access the following link: http://imagination.lancaster.ac.uk/Design_PhD_Conference_2011/.

Space is limited so register soon!!!

PhD students attending the conference are invited to submit an A2 poster representing the key elements of their doctoral research to the conference poster exhibition. Details on submission criteria can be found at the above link.

Best regards,
Prof. Stuart Walker, ImaginationLancaster, Lancaster University
Prof. Robert Young, Centre for Design Research, Northumbria University

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miércoles, mayo 04, 2011

Diplomado en Comunicación y Marketing Digital


El Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Querétaro, te invita a participar en el Diplomado en Comunicación y Marketing Digital.

Diseña, aplica y evalúa estrategias de comunicación y mercadotecnia a través de diversos medios digitales interactivos propios de la Web 2.0, contribuyendo así con los objetivos de crecimiento de tu organización.

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Maestría en Multimedia, Dublín

Becas para estudiantes latinoamericanos para cursar esta maestría en la Cscuela de Comunicación de la Dublin City Uni en Irlanda, parece una buena opción:

La beca:

La maestría:

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lunes, abril 25, 2011

Doctorado en Diseño en Kolding School of Design, Dinamarca

Parecería interesante esta nueva opción:


The research at Kolding School of Design is focused on research subjects that have been prioritised in unison. Through these subjects, Kolding School of Design aims to contribute to the frontiers in international design research. The research at Kolding School of Design unfolds within four fields of force, which share the common objective of strengthening the school's research based knowledge on:
  • Creation processes and cognition in design
  • Processes and methodologies of designing
  • The cultural, organisational, and technological embedment of design processes
  • Challenges for current design practises - value creation, ethic, sustainability, inclusion, and multi-cultural dimensions.
Y como siempre, recomendamos checar su producción científica para darse una idea: http://www.designskolenkolding.dk/index.php?id=2821

Así como eventos recientes: http://www.designskolenkolding.dk/index.php?id=2806

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Doctorado en Diseño en Northumbria, Reino Unido

Excelente oportunidad, ojalá que nuestros lectores la consideren:

Northumbria University School of Design invites applications for PhD
studies focused on its eight areas of research interest.  Selected
applicants will be nominated for competitive university studentships to
fund three years of PhD study.  Interested applicants should contact the
relevant research grouping lead (see details below) as soon as possible,
complete an application form, and submit before the deadline of May
13th, 2011.

The School has significant research activities and outputs across eight
research themes, organised into three groupings that combine to express
the  fundamentals of design research (i.e., that we make changes by
making sense through making connections).

The research themes for Making Connections are: Making and Design
Issues. This grouping focuses on what design should do. Its two themes
focus on the fundamentals of designing through making and designing
through reflecting on design practice at all scales. Applicants are
sought with an interest in design craftsmanship, new luxury, the roles
of touch or storytelling in design, design activism, the future roles of
design, and fundamental aspects of design processes.

The research themes for Making Sense are: Experimental Media, Future
Materials for Living and Insights. This grouping focuses on what design
could do. Its three themes focus on the potential for new design content
and process within design's core tributary disciplines of creative arts,
science and technology, and the human sciences and humanities.
Applicants are sought with an interest in: the creative potential of
communicative media (static, dynamic and interactive); the use of new
printable, paintable and programmable materials capable of being made
intelligent through design; and the untapped potential for design within
knowledge, insights and practices from the human sciences and

The research themes for Make Changes are: Design Value Innovation,
Social Innovation and Design for Social Equity. This grouping focuses on
what design can do. Its three themes focus on demonstrating the value of
design through innovation with commercial, community and global
collaborators. Applicants are sought with an interest in: commercial
innovation, design management for business, service design, public
sector innovation, third sector innovation, responsible design practice,
sustainable design, design against crime, creative entrepreneurship or
workers rights for developing countries, and co-design with
disadvantaged groups.

Research group leads:
Making Connections: Professor Paul Rodgers, email:
Making Sense: Professor Gilbert Cockton, email:
Make Changes: Professor Robert Young, email:

Please send applications, and if you have any additional enquiries, to
Mark Grant, email: m.grant@northumbria.ac.uk, tel:+44 (0)191 243 7536   

Professor Paul Rodgers
Northumbria University : School of Design
City Campus East : Newcastle upon Tyne
m : +44 (0)778 718 2119
t : +44 (0)191 227 4111
f : +44 (0)191 227 4655
e : paul.rodgers@northumbria.ac.uk
w : www.northumbria.ac.uk/design

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miércoles, abril 20, 2011

Master en Innovación, Chile

Parece interesante esta alternativa en Chile:

Se agradece a quienes puedan compartir información u opiniones al respecto... ya que sinceramente no tengo referencia de la Universidad ni del programa. Más información aquí:


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miércoles, abril 13, 2011

Curso de verano junio 2011: Design Science Lab

Altamente recomendable: http://www.designsciencelab.com/index.shtml

Students and young professionals from around the world* are coming to the 2011 Lab. They will be briefed by UN experts (from the UN Development Program, UN Environmental Program, UNESCO, UNICEF, WHO and other UN agencies),** develop comprehensive strategies for solving some of the world's most critical problems, and then present their work at the UN. They will learn a powerful strategic design and planning methodology that will be of use for the rest of their life, as well learn about leadership, problem solving and the design revolution. They will learn about global problems, options, technology, culture, resources and what they can do to make a difference. They will meet others with similar passions about the state of the world— and what we can do to make things better.


June 19 - 27, 2011


Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia, PA, and
United Nations, NY


• Using mobile computers (a.k.a. cell phones) to meet the world's basic human needs
• Innovations and designs to support the regeneration and greening of cities

The goals of the Lab include:

  • Increase our understanding of global dynamics,
    world resources, human trends and needs, and
    options for humanity’s success
  • Learn design science and how to apply it to global and local problems
  • Develop viable strategies for improving the well being of humanity and achieving one or more of the UN's Millennium Development Goals*
  • Increase the public’s understanding of these issues through disseminating the strategies as widely as possible
  • Serve as an incubator and growing force for developing and disseminating design science techniques for complex problem solving and development of viable solutions to the worlds problems
  • Learn a methodology for changing the world.

Who should attend

The 2011 Design Science Lab will be of particular relevance to people interested in:
  • The state of the world and what can be done about it
  • Comprehensive problem solving, strategic planning, design, and leadership skills
  • The interconnections between local, regional and global issues
  • Sustainable and socially responsible business opportunities
  • Issues of global energy and climate change
  • Renewable energy, energy conservation, and other environmentally sound technologies
  • State of the art energy technology
  • Human rights
  • Experiential education
  • Social, environmental, and political science data visualization and analysis
  • Global citizenship, responsibility, and prerogative

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lunes, abril 11, 2011

Doctorado en Turquía

Design Lab. Istanbul, Koc University
Industrial PhD Grant  in Interaction Design

Ref number: MAVA / 2011-001
Employment: Time-limited employment
Closing date for application: 2011-05-31
Campus location: Istanbul Rumelifeneri

Koc University in Istanbul, is an expansive university with a strong focus on  interaction design. the School of MediaVisual Arts is a research intensive environment.The research will take place within Design Lab. Istanbul at the School of Media and Visual Arts, in collaboration with the School of Computer Science  Koc University (KU), Istanbul Rumelifeneri Campus. Design Lab. Istanbul aims to develop  research on future media, product  and space.

The Schools offer education and carry out research within computer science and design in close cooperation with IT industry. The development of the individual’s knowledge and ability to analyze, understand and handle different aspects of IT and interaction design is at focus. Regardless of the application, an artistic design perspective, and programming based on interactivity, are central issues.

Job description

This PhD position, within School of Media and Visual Arts is financed by KocSistem in Istanbul. As a pioneering organization of the IT sector in Turkey, KocSistem offers a full range of services for business and network applications. Over the years, KocSistem has collaborated with some of the biggest industry partners including Intel, Microsoft, SAP as well as various cross the industries such as Ford, Fiat and Arcelik.

As a PhD student you are employed by KocSistem and will receive a salary according to current salary agreements. A maximum of 20% of your time will be devoted to departmental duties in School of Media and Visual Arts, mainly teaching. The remaining time will be devoted to your own graduate studies and research within the project related to KocSistem. You are expected to obtain a PhD within a maximum of 4 years.

Required qualifications
Only someone who can be or already has been enrolled for PhD studies at a university can be employed at this PhD position. The requirement for being qualified for PhD studies is to have at least four years of university studies, corresponding to a Master’s degree.

Admittance to the post-graduate education will be handled in conjunction with the employment procedure. In general anyone who has graduated with a Bachelor’s or Master's degree with a major in Computer Engineering or Computer Science is eligible as graduate student in Computer Science. Students with corresponding qualifications, for instance from similar programs at other universities, may also be admitted.

Special requirements
The focus of the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree should be on interaction design. The interest in and capability of doing research work is a basic demand. A good Master’s thesis, research project’s output and/or publications with research focus can add extra value to the application.  Experience of creative practice and programming is preferable. It is an advantage if the applicant has artistic experiences and/or graphic design skills.
The applicant should have proficiency and skills in writing and communicating in English. Knowledge in Turkish is not a prerequisite for this position. The start of this position is planned for September 19th, 2011.

Application procedure
Please send following document to us:

1.      Application Form (http://gsse.ku.edu.tr/application-forms)
2.      Personal and Educational Background Information (CV)
3.      Recommendation Letters (3 for PhD)
4.      TOEFL Requirement (for those whose native language is not English) 
 (New Internet Based: Minimum Score 80 ; Computer Based: Minimum Score 213 ;Paper Based: Minimum Score 550
5.      ALES scores (required for all Turkish nationals)
6.      GRE scores (required from Foreign students; optional for Turkish students)
7.      Official transcripts from all the universities attended
8.      Statement of Purpose
9.      Areas of Interest
10.   Application fee of (35 TL or 20 USD or 15 Euro) must be paid to one of the below account numbers.  Please indicate student name and 'GSSE Yuk.Lisans' explanation in the payment. Please include your bank receipt in your application pack.
·       TL Account Details: 35 TL Application fee, Account number: 386235, Yapi Kredi Bank, Koc University Branch.
·       USD Account Details: 20 USD Application fee, Yapi Kredi Bank, Koc University Branch, Swift Code: YAPITRIS, Account Number: 00540749, IBAN Code: TR500006701000000000540749
·       EURO Account Details: 15 EURO Application fee, Yapi Kredi Bank, Koc University Branch, Swift Code: YAPITRIS, Account Number: 05437105, IBAN Code: TR290006701000000005437105
Promising candidates will be called for an interview before a final decision is reached on their application. The application shall preferably be sent electronically as PDF by e-mail to the address: gsse@ku.edu.tr indicating reference number on subject line in e-mail. The applicants name and the reference number (MAVA/2011-001) must be also written on the first page of the application.
You can also send your application by surface mail but we suggest you to use an e-mail application.
Address for surface mail application:
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Koç Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi
Rumelifeneri, Sariyer
Istanbul, TURKEY 34450
212 338 1371
Fax:212 338 1395

For any question for application please contact to Oguzhan Ozcan, oguzhan.ozcan@mdh.se
However application must sent electronically as PDF by e-mail to the address: gsse@ku.edu.tr, otherwise your application cannot be processed. 

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miércoles, abril 06, 2011

Doctorado en Diseño y Sistemas en Oslo, Noruega

Esta podría ser una excelente oportunidad para diseñadores: se trata de una beca para estudiar el doctorado en diseño orientado a sistemas.

Ph.D. fellowship. Systems Oriented Design

Application deadline: May 16th, 2011

The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) calls for applications to one full-time Ph.D. fellowship for a three year period starting September 2011. Applicants must hold a master’s degree in industrial design, interaction design, graphic design or interior design. The successful applicant will join the research project Ulstein Bridge Concept which is an innovation project together with the Norwegian shipyard company Ulstein Group and other partners from the maritime sector.

The position is based at the Institute of Design (IDE), and requires full-time attendance, including participation in AHOs one year research education program (Research school) starting September 2011.

Más información en: http://www.aho.no/en/AHO/News-and-events/Vacancies/PhD-fellowship-Systems-Oriented-Design/

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jueves, marzo 31, 2011

Veranos por la Innovación en la Empresa


El Foro Consultivo Científico y Tecnológico (FCCyT), el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT), la Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP) y el Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología del Distrito Federal (ICyTDF), en colaboración con las instituciones que suscriben.


A los alumnos que se encuentren cursando un programa de licenciatura en alguna Institución Pública de Educación Superior (IPES) de la República Mexicana, interesados en realizar una estancia en empresas ubicadas en territorio nacional, a que participen en el programa “Veranos por la Innovación en la Empresa”

Interesados, consultar bases en la dirección electrónica

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martes, marzo 29, 2011

¿Cómo dictaminar un artículo de revista?

En lo que va del año me han pedido dictaminar 4 artículos de "journals" de buen nombre. En los 4 casos mi recomendación ha sido rechazar el artículo. Me pregunto si es tan alto el índice o si simplemente me han tocado más artículos de mala calidad. En cualquier caso esta es una guía para la evaluación:

  • Is the paper well-grounded in the contemporary literature on the topic?
  • Does it make clear the contribution it aims to make to that literature?  And succeed in making that contribution?
  • Does it present a coherent argument for its position, and are positions, propositions or hypotheses persuasively developed?  Do conclusions follow persuasively from the argument?
  • Is written expression clear, concise and accessible to students and academics with an interest in this field?
  • Please highlight poor grammar or spelling. 'American' or 'English' spellings are acceptable, providing they are used consistently. It is not the reviewer's role to correct but helpful to identify errors.
  • Are heading levels appropriate and concise? 
  • Has ethical clearance been shown for research papers? Are ethical processes followed included in the body of the article?
  • Are references accurate and timely, and consistent throughout?  Do in-text citations appear in References, and vice-versa as appropriate?

Como un botica, hay de todo, y no todos los artículos rechazados "cojean del mismo pie", la lista anterior puede ser útil a manera de checklist antes de enviar un artículo a evaluación...

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miércoles, marzo 16, 2011


La Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México
a los interesados en inscribirse en el
que ofrecerá la

El diplomado provee un espacio de encuentro de representantes de organizaciones de la sociedad civil, funcionarios, profesionistas y académicos interesados en las problemáticas de la Ciudad. En él se trata de que los participantes se inicien en el uso de las herramientas de análisis y representación de los sistemas complejos y generen búsquedas interdisciplinarias de solución de problemas específicos.

Los aspirantes deberán solicitar su ingreso mediante mensaje electrónico dirigido al Maestro en Ciencias José Luis Gutiérrez a la dirección: diplomado.complejidad@gmail.com Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spam bots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla y anexar copia digitalizada (en formato pdf o jpg) de los siguientes documentos: (1) Título del máximo grado de estudios. (2) Constancia de experiencia profesional en alguna de las áreas de los dos primeros ejes temáticos. (3) Carta de exposición de motivos con una extensión máxima de dos cuartillas.

El diplomado tendrá una dinámica de seminario-taller (30 sesiones) y se llevará a cabo losviernes de las 17:00 a las 22:00 horas en el Plantel del Valle de la UACM.
Ejes temáticos:
I. Problemas específicos de la Ciudad de México
A. Salud y alimentación.
B. Violencia y seguridad.
C. Sustentabilidad: medioambiente, agua y cambio climático; transporte y tránsito vehicular; crecimiento y planeación del desarrollo urbano.
D. Educación: El sistema de educación pública; influencia de los medios masivos; experiencias alternativas; internet y redes.

II. Política organizativa, redes y comunidades de ayuda mutua
A. Materia, energía, información, comunicación y política organizativa.
B. Participación ciudadana.
C. Comunidades de aprendizaje, práctica y ayuda mutua.
D. Redes comunitarias.
III. Herramientas de representación y análisis
A. Los sistemas como instrumentos para el pensamiento.
B. Herramientas matemáticas: sistemas dinámicos discretos; sistemas dinámicos continuos.
C. Introducción a los sistemas complejos: Orden, azar y caos; sinergia y autoorganización; fenómenos críticos; propiedades emergentes en fenómenos colectivos.
D. Taller de introducción al uso de simuladores computacionales. 
Fechas clave (todas de 2011):
  • Publicación de la convocatoria: 7 de marzo;
  • Recepción de documentos: del 10 al 25 de marzo;
  • Comunicación de resultados: 28 de marzo;
  • Sesión inaugural: 1 de abril;
  • Periodo de suspensión intersemestral: del 2 al 28 de julio;
  • Fin de las sesiones del seminario-taller: 18 de noviembre;
  • Revisión colectiva de proyectos de investigación: 25 de noviembre y 2 de diciembre;
  • Clausura y entrega de diplomas: 9 de diciembre.

Lugar: Plantel del Valle de la UACM.

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