Paso aquí la convocatoria para el 2012 tal cual, que incluye un Diplomado en Línea, la Maestría y el Doctorado:
Swinburne University Faculty of Design is now accepting applications into its 2012 postgraduate programs in Design Anthropology. Design Anthropology at Swinburne consists of a hybrid synthesis of academic post-colonial anthropology with the professional practice of design. It seeks to understand how design helps define what it means to be human, the diversity of human value systems, and then how design translates those values into tangible experiences. Swinburne offers three degrees: 01 A fully-online Graduate Diploma of Design (Design Anthropology) Available online through Open Universities Australia ( ), the one-year full time DAnthro GradDip program is available anywhere in the world to students who want to round out their applied anthropology or design electives with a unit or two and professionals who want to formalize or transition their skills in research and design. Applications for the program consist of transcripts, citizenship documentation, proof of English Language Requirements ( ), letter of intent (e.g. a letter of 1200-1500 words describing who you are, why you want to study design anthropology, what specialization would you choose of the three offered Cross Cultural Brand Identity Design, Sustainable Design, and Indigenous Knowledge, and what you plan to do with your degree), and a design or design strategy portfolio (e.g. a series of 4-5 project case studies demonstrating how you did or would approach a problem from a holistic perspective). Closing date for formal applications is Feb. 11, 2012 although we will begin reviewing applications after Oct. 15, 2011. 02 Masters of Design (Design Anthropology) For those who want to live in Melbourne the World's Most Livable City ( ), the one and half year full time DAnthro MDes ( )program appeals to disciplinary "misfits" who seek either a deeper level of human and community engagement in their design practices or want to their research to move beyond dusty reports to direct and respectful community impact. Applications for the program consist of transcripts, citizenship documentation, proof of English Language Requirements ( ), letter of intent, and a design or design strategy portfolio. There are maximum enrollment restrictions on the MDes program to 24 students. Note that review and acceptance into the program is based on a first-come, first -served basis as we are required to provide notice of acceptance within one week of receiving the complete application. So while the closing date for formal applications is Feb. 2011, we will begin reviewing applications on Oct. 15, 2011. For information on international scholarships, please see the Swinburne Scholarship ( ) or the Study in Australia Scholarship ( ) pages. 03 PhD. in Design Anthropology Emerging out of the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center Conference on Design Anthropology, Indigenous Knowledge, and Culture-Based Innovation in March 2011, Swinburne Faculty of Design's Cultures-Based Innovation research cluster accepts two students per year for doctoral research. The Cultures-Based Innovation cluster conducts research in order to design innovation processes that position communities of high cultural wellness, but often low social and health status, as the direct sources and beneficiaries of innovation. These include Indigenous communities, minority communities, migrant communities and communities living in contexts of social and environmental disruption. The cluster represents the ontological dialogue between Indigenous Knowledge and Design Anthropology that aims to develop methodologies that create opportunities for: • the self determination and wealth for communities of high cultural wellness and; • the reduction of the cultural "poverty" of socially and economically wealthy communities. Completed applications received by September 15 and April 15 are reviewed for University and Faculty scholarship rounds. Thanks and hope that you will help advance design anthropology academically with us. Dori Tunstall Elizabeth (Dori) Tunstall, PhD Associate Professor, Design Anthropology Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching Swinburne Design Swinburne University of Technology 144 High Street, Prahran, VIC, 3181 Melbourne, Australia Telephone +61 3 9214 6086 Facsimile +61 3 9521 2665 Mobile +61 4 0447 1595 Email
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