Thermal comfort of rail passengers (funded EPSRC studentship)
Thermal comfort is an essential part of customer satisfaction when travelling by train. Although much is known about thermal comfort in general, particularly in relation to environments in buildings, little is known about what thermal conditions are experienced by rail passengers and what thermal physiological and psychological responses people have during their total journey. That is, from leaving home to standing on the platform, entering the train, sitting in the carriage, exiting the train and so on. This project aims to improve our understanding of thermal comfort in general and considers rail passenger thermal comfort in particular. It will involve both laboratory studies to identify mechanisms and factors that lead to thermal comfort, as well as studies on trains. This is a fundamental research project which has practical relevance and influence.
We are looking for an able and intelligent graduate with focus and drive and a ‘can do' attitude that would thrive in an internationally respected research environment. He or she should have a background in Science or Engineering including the human sciences, psychology, Ergonomics, physiology, human biology, physics and design as well as related subjects.
Applications are invited from highly motivated students who have, or expect to gain, at least an upper second-class degree in a relevant discipline. Studentships will commence as soon as possible, but by July 2007 at the latest, for three years, leading to the award of a PhD. You will be joining a thriving community of around 50 postgraduate research students within the Department of Human Sciences, contributing to our research programmes in Psychology, Human Biology and Ergonomics.
This fully funded studentship provides a bursary (£10,500) and tuition fees at the UK/EU rate. Of particular benefit to the student will be a collaboration with internationally renowned laboratories at the University of Southampton as part of a larger Rail Research UK initiative. If successful the student will be expected to present the results of their work within the UK and abroad.
Information on the specifics of this research topic can be obtained from Professor Ken Parsons ( General information is available from the Department of Human Sciences (01509 223013 or email:
Application forms can be completed on-line or downloaded from, or obtained from the Research Student Office, Rutland Hall, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, LE11
3TU (, 01509 222473).
Applicants are encouraged to apply early, with a final closing date of March 1st, 2007.
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