Full time Doctoral Scholarships in Media, Arts, and Cultural Criticism
School of Media, Arts and Design Research Centre
The Centre for Research and Education in Arts and Media (CREAM) has a number of scholarships available for candidates wishing to commence study for a doctoral degree. CREAM is one of the leading UK centres for research in art and media practice, and cultural criticism, and for PhD by practice in the moving image area. The research practices of its members cover a broad field including ceramics, digital media, film-making, fine art, photography and theoretical and critical writing. Applications are invited from prospective students with research proposals (theory only or practice based) in the above areas. We particularly wish to expand our research in photographic theory and practice, including photographic journalism, and South Asian cinema and arts.
CREAM is part of the School of Media, Art and Design. Information about the School and its work are available at: http://www.wmin.ac.uk/mad.
The scholarships are open to all prospective students. The duration of scholarships is three years, and they consist of a stipend (currently £9,000 per annum for new students) and a waiver of tuition fees. Successful candidates may be asked to act as teaching assistants on appropriate modules for up to six hours per week, or to undertake equivalent other duties in support of the work of the Centre.
The method of application is by means of the standard University postgraduate admissions procedure. Applicants may obtain copies of the documentation from Erica Spindler ( e.spindler@wmin.ac.uk or telephone 020-7911-5968). Applications should be accompanied by a developed statement of the candidate's proposed field of research, including a definition of the topic and principal research questions, an outline of the research methods to be adopted, and an indicative bibliography. Please state clearly in your covering letter that you wish to be considered for a scholarship.
Completed application forms and proposal documents should be returned to Erica Spindler at:
Research Office
University of Westminster
Harrow Campus
Watford Road
Middlesex HA1 3TP UK
Prospective students wishing to discuss an application informally may contact Dr Joram ten Brink (Head of PhD Programme, tenbrij@wmin.ac.uk).
For AHRB funded doctoral research please contact Dr Joram ten Brink by April 1st 2005. For students who are not yet ready to undertake PhD research, there is also a well-developed series of MA programmes within the School, which include moving image and photography practice. AHRB and other scholarships can be won for these.
Reference number: 50007783
Closing date: Friday, 22 April 2005
Interviews are likely to be held in the week beginning 16th of May 2005
To apply visit our website at http://www.wmin.ac.uk/vacancies
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