jueves, febrero 13, 2014

RMIT, Australia: Master of Design Innovation and Technology

La verdad que no conozco a ninguno de los profesores involucrados con este programa, así que no podría recomendarlo u opinar nada más al respecto, ahí échenle un ojo si les parece interesante:

Master of Design Innovation and Technology
Taught within RMIT’s renowned Spatial Information Architecture Laboratory (SIAL) led by Professor Jane Burry, this unique Master by coursework program will prepare you to be a design leader in a rapidly changing environment.
A primary objective of this program is to speculate on the future of design practice. Advances in the digital age have already transformed design practice, but we are only at the beginning of a greater revolution in the integrated application of technology and its influence on the workflow process of design through to construction.
As innovation in spatial and architectural design practice is positioned at the intersection of several disciplines, this program would appeal to students from a wide variety of professions such as architecture and design, industrial design, computer science, engineering, media and sound design.

Interesados contactar a:
Dr Jane Burry
Associate Professor
Spatial information Architecture Laboratory (SIAL)
Design Hub
RMIT University
Building 100
GPO Box 2476
Melbourne VIC 3001

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